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Is NLCS a recognized School?
We are a member school of ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International). NLCS is also a registered non-public school through the New York State Department of Education. Through this recognition, we offer NYS Regents Diplomas.
Do you need to be a member of Randallsville New Life Church to attend New Life Christian School?
No. While the school is on the same property of the church and the space is shared between the two, they are separate entities. NLCS is the main ministry of Randallsville New Life Church and the Church contributes significant resources to the school. Currently, about 30% of our student population attends Randallsville New Life Church.
What kind of curriculum do you use?
We use a variety of resources in our curriculum, but the majority of our textbooks come from BJU Press. Teaching from a Christian worldview is essential and using a Christian publisher is important. There are times that a teacher will use alternative resources with the intent to present another viewpoint.
Does NLCS have a dress code?
Yes, we do have a dress code. As part of our commitment to prepare students for every facet of life, we strive to prepare students for any profession by adhering to a dress policy. Dress code standards are designed to help students develop an understanding of professional expectations for dress and appearance while emphasizing the development of inner character over outer appearance. Dress code specifics can be discussed during the interview process.
Are There Scholarships or Financial Aid Available?
Yes there are. Assistance is available to any family with demonstrated need. Financial aid specifics can be discussed during the interview process.
What are the school hours?
Our day officially starts at 8:15AM and is done at 3PM. However, many students rely on local school districts for transportation. Afternoon departure is staggered depending on public school transportation. Parents may pick their children up between 2:30-3PM.